
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Papercraft is Pretty Cool

     So, the next project is dealing with paper craft, which is actually sort of fun if you just print it out and have someone else's design. HOWEVER, that's not part of the assignment. Well, actually it sort of it. It was our homework to research someone else's design and then use that as influence in order to create our own designs. The pig above, unfortunately, is not part of my design. But it was actually fairly simple to make! (So if you guys want a bunch of Wind Waker pigs in your house, there are three different designs waiting to be made!)

     But that's beside the point...

     These were my preliminary sketches of different designs for my soon-to-be paper crafted character. I had already messed around with a couple of designs (one which will be shown on the bottom with a link to it),  but it helped me figure out what I wanted to do. So, after messing around with other people's designs, I went forth and tried to make my own.

     This is actually version 2 of the layout. I had originally just copied what I had on paper and printed that out - which didn't turn out very well, but you'll see the results below. But with this particular one, I had made adjustments to it, but I also had to make adjustments to this one, so this isn't a perfect layout at all! But it did help make some discoveries for me, which I will explain in the next set of pictures.

 (Ngh, the layout on blogspot is terrible and confusing! ... for now. I will figure this out)
So there's Isabelle on the left, next to my first version of Shanarani, or a character I had created in high school. Both are very unstable and couldn't stand on their own (which is a huge disappointment!). But I couldn't resist the cute, organic design that Isabelle had to offer, so I tried to make something based off of that design, but not completely taking it as my own. As you can see on the right, there is my 2nd version of Shanarani, which, I am proud to say, is standing on her own. I had enlarged her body, created a stable neck, and created larger feet for her to stand.

Now, color schemes are a bit tricky, but I definitely know that I want a blue and a red in her attire. I went on this website. But overall, I still need to figure some things out. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this! 

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