
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Digital Portfolio Sneak Peak

I'm still working on the Photoshop final project, but this is my InDesign project, or as I like to call it, the REAL Digital Foundation's final. This little baby has my art pieces that I did for Digital Foundations as well as the artist statements. That's right. So serious. Like look at this sample page:

Well, sort of serious. Maybe. Slightly. Not really.

But I needed filler pages so the whole orientation of my portfolio book doesn't get skewed and left with blank pages. That would be terrible. No, I would rather have a bunch of silly sketches in my portfolio than have nothingness. 

Before I even reached that point, though, I had to do rough sketches of how I wanted my pages to be outlined. As such:

Now that would be great if you guys understood what all of this meant. Actually, maybe you guys can, who knows? But that translates into a page like this (holy crap, a real page):

This is still a work in progress, seeing that I still have to finish my final Photoshop picture. Gotta shuffle everything around for finals, right?

And here is my back cover (you guys might have realized that this is the same design as my blogspot background). It says "tumblr" on there, but that's because I upload there more often than blogspot. But who knows, maybe I'll use this blogspot for next year in Intro to Animation.

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